NCL: Day 3
It is the third day and today we stopped at a location called Cape Canaveral. The weather was very cloudy and humid. We took a bus that guided us around places. It goes to a shoppping mall, a beach and some other shops to. We went to a shopping mall and just looked around. I saw many shops but it wasn't that big like the one we used to go in Long Island. When we exited the small mall, we wnted to go to the beach. We waited tons of hours and finally a bus came. When we arrived at the beach, it was very cold! On the beach their was a trail of dead fish and it smells like rotton eggs. I was disgusted and curious, I didn't know how they died. We exited the beach very quickly. Then we just looked in some stores opened. It was just a regular day. After all this we went into a van and went to the cruise. The driver said that algae killed the fish. I was very interested about his speech. When we arrived at the pier, we went back to the ship and ate. I was very hungry. Now at evening is my favorite part. The show was about a juggler and he was very funny. Funnier than a comedian. He juggled and it was satisfaction to me todaay after that wierd day outside. When I went out the theater I bursting with laughter. I couldn't control it. that is my story for today.
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