A Pro at Basketball.
My favorite sport is basketball. I dream of becoming an NBA player. (NBA stands for National Basketball Association) I want to be one because if I play well, I can become rich. I would like to be rich.
When I am on a team and versing another team, I always make the first shot. People tease me that I am short and I will miss. Well guess what? The bullies are wrong. I make a shot further than any tall player can. I always practice shooting hoops. When I play, I'm also good at stealing and blocking. My opponents pass the ball yo each other, I always block it. No one can be a better blocker than me. The thing I hate is whenever I play with a team of five, four, three, two and one, I always have to do all the stealing, dribbling and sometimes shooting. It may sound easy but it is not. My teammates are useless. They just say "Hey Steve over here. Pass the ball". It is sometimes very hard for me to pass the ball. My opponents always block me and I don't have a choice. So without thinking, I just shoot. Most of the times, I get the shot in.
My friend William got persuaded of the basketball because of the NBA player "Allen Iverson". Then I got persuaded by him. So I started, I was pretty weak. I started to practice day and night. ( just kidding)