The Fastest slide I've ever been on
On Febuary 24, I went to Pocono. It was an exciting and fun expedition. It was chilly, especially when my mom and I were up the hill. When I first got there, we paid and later we went on the ride. The place would give you air puffed sleds. Then my mom and I were being pulled up to a hill by a machine. After the end of the pulling up part, we slid down the hill. My mom smashed into me and I thought it was fun. Then we pulled the sleds up to the hill again. We waited for a little while.
Then I slid down the hill with an enormous speed. I felt like a man riding in a rocket that was going to send me to outer space. Then l saw my mom fell. It looked that she was having fun. We did it again. This time I felt like going a little slower because a lot of wind hit me so the wind pushed me back. Then I saw my mom coming down. It seemed that she was going a little slower too. Then I tried a new way to slide. I called it "the body slam". First I just put my tummy on the hole of the sled and put my head first. I slid down and boom. It was very fast. Then I challenged my mother to a race. I was sliding the new way and my mom copied me! When I started I was looking forward and head first. But then I stopped. Later my mom almost crashed into the wall. So I let her win. Then my dad went up. He slid down very slow. I don't know why. It was like riding on a turtle. All the times he went very slow. My mom looked she was half frozen. She slid down. She yelled. I thought she was crazy. Then my last slide. I slid down very fast. All things went right. I ran then I slammed on my tummy on my sled. I was very happy that I didn't make a mistake.
Then I said goodbye. I left being happy and sad. Happy because I had a lot of fun and sad because I cannot stay here and slide every day. I wish we could stay at the hotel and resort there. I hope we can come back another day in winter.