今天我看一个电影我很要看的电影叫 The Lion,the witch and the Wardrobe. 这是部有名的电影. 我看了, 有很多动作. 我最喜欢的地方是双方对打. 电影开始时, 有四个孩子. 一天一个女孩子藏到一个橱柜里, 她发现了一个地方叫Narnia. 这是个很奇怪的地方. 没有人, 只有马的身体和人头. 他叫. Mr.Tumnus. 这个孩子跟他做了好朋友. ......
今天我看一个电影我很要看的电影叫 The Lion,the witch and the Wardrobe. 这是部有名的电影. 我看了, 有很多动作. 我最喜欢的地方是双方对打. 电影开始时, 有四个孩子. 一天一个女孩子藏到一个橱柜里, 她发现了一个地方叫Narnia. 这是个很奇怪的地方. 没有人, 只有马的身体和人头. 他叫. Mr.Tumnus. 这个孩子跟他做了好朋友. ......
Day 1: It was a beautiful morning. It was a warm day and had some breezes.My dad and I are going camping. First we stopped at the highschool where the other campers are. Few minustes later, I talked to the principal.I thanked the principal for letting me go on the trip. Then we left the school. The bus was quick. It was sort of comfortable. When we arrived, we got to our villages where our cabins are. I got sort of tired. When we got to our cabins, we unpacked our things and left to go to the dinning hall to eat lunch. The lunch was delicious and I got very full. When everyone finished we explored and get used to our surroundings. I saw a basketball court, a volleyball court and a hockey court. Some already were playing so I joined in playing volleyball. Later we had something called a class. We were organized into groups. I was in group D. Some others were also on group D. The first class was the beaver trail. We were going to beaver pond. But first we examined the destroyed dam that was about a year and a half ago. Then we found a chopped down tree that a beaver cut down to build it;s dam or home called a lodge. Later we hiked for a long time and I was dying to thirst. But when I got there it was a big defference. The water level was a lot lower then the first pond we saw. But every natural enviroment. The lodge was better than the last one the group saw. The water level was a lot lower and the place is a lot dryer and more dirtier. But if the beavers think it is good then they should live out. we returned back to the courts. As usual I was playing volleyball again. Few minutes later we had our next class. My group's next class was archery. I think I was a professional indian chief when I arched. I saw my groupmates arched too. Some had beginner's luck. I arched not to good. Still i thought I was a chief. This was awesome exsecise for accuracy. It was short and that was for us our last class. Other groups had different classes. When we arrived, everyone also arrived, we played until dinnertime. Until then we all finished eating, we slept till tomorrow.